Exciting News: Introducing NGSL Text Profiler & More!
The NGSL Profiler is an online text analysis tool which uses wordlists for ESL/EFL learners from the NGSL Project to analyze the difficulty of a text and to simplify it to the level of your students or intended audience.

Online Graded Text Editor (OGTE)
The Online Graded Text Editor, or OGTE (https://www.er-central.com/ogte/), is a free web-based tool developed by Dr. Charles Browne and Dr. Rob Waring to assist teachers with tasks such as assessing the appropriateness of authentic texts for their student’s ability level or with turning ungraded web pages and content into student-friendly texts at just the right level.

NGSL Wordlist Update
All of our core New General Service List word lists have been updated to the 1.2 version. Each open-source list offers the highest coverage in the world for that genre and each can be used in a modular and systematic way with the core NGSL list for efficient language learning.

The NGSL Project has a new home…
The same great wordlists and tools, just a cleaner, easier to navigate website.